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Discover our interactive


MBTI workshops

Discover what gives you and your teammates energy or stress.


Our interactive MBTI teambuilding workshops are filled with exercises, real examples and tips for life at work make the MBTI types come to life.

Choose between a full day, a half day or a kick-off session, depending on the needs of your team.

Workshops can be held in-person or remotely.

We give trainings in English and in Dutch.

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MBTI kick off


"I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop: thank you! The mix of exercises and theory was perfectly balanced – the day went by so quickly!

I learned an enormous amount – not only about me and what gives me energy but, most importantly, about my colleagues and how best to communicate with them. I shall remember your workshop for a good long time – and the lessons I learned at it!"


"Merci voor een zeer fijne en interessante training. Niets dan positieve feedback ontvangen van mijn teams. Goed gegeven, vertrouwen geschonken, iedereen heeft zichzelf laten zien. Ook zij die er 'geen zin in hadden' of 'toch niks gingen zeggen' En dit dankzij de natuurlijke manier van training geven."


"That was a really amazing experience! Time flew by and even though I have taken the test and done some of my own research, I really learned much more today because of the way you presented the info and the exercises.  Thanks so much!!"

"It was great to discuss and “discover” ourselves with your help and support, great training and an excellent delivery."

"I really appreciated the flow and the diversity of examples, which kept it interesting for everyone! Probably the best MBTI workshop I had the chance to attend!"

“Thanks a lot, this was a very interesting workshop & it helped us connect with each other in a different way.”

"Thank you for your excellent guidance in discovering the different natural strengths and weaknesses in our personality. Self-knowledge is one common goal that will help everyone achieve personal success."

"Een stevige dankjewel, het was een zeer interessante en leuke dag voor ons !"

"Thanks again for the great workshop, everyone was really happy about it and it created a very positive atmosphere in the team. The session we had was simply great!"

"Bedankt voor de fijne en interessante workshop. Zeer leuke ervaring! Hartelijk bedankt!"

"Iedereen van ons team vond het ontzettend leuk en leerrijk! Ik citeer: “Dit is de eerste teambuilding die we allemaal leuk vonden”"

"It was an absolute pleasure! Thanks for your energy, the humour and the drive - we had ace of day with you. As much as it was fun - it was super practical!"

"Thanks for a really useful and fun workshop. The team really enjoyed it and I think it’ll help us a lot going forward."

"Bij de feedback op het einde van onze 2daagse kwam MBTI naar boven als erg leerrijk en handig. Je bracht het anders aan dan een andere MBTI training die ik eerder volgde, waardoor ik ook veel heb opgestoken. Ik had de indruk dat je een diepere kennis had en meer achtergrond/ voorbeelden."

"Nogmaals dank voor de fijne dag. De sessie komt nog geregeld ter sprake! "

"I was really impressed with the workshop! I have been to multiple and this was my favorite by far. I definitely understand MBTI much better now and it was a great experience!"

"The session was very useful and I have learnt more about myself."

"Bedankt voor de toffe en zeer leerrijke voormiddag."

"Thank you for this amazing workshop. Everyone enjoyed it a lot and it helped us to collaborate and understand each other in a different way"

"Thank you so much for the insightful workshop last Friday. I learned plenty about my teammates and myself and have left the workshop more confident in knowing how to approach the team and certain situations."

"We hebben een super teambuilding gehad! Heel erg bedankt"

"Inspirational and knowledgeable, a good combination indeed"



Our workshops go deeper and further than traditional MBTI® introduction trainings. Our aim is to make MBTI® as actionable as possible.


Our hands-on business experience enables us to put Myers-Briggs type learnings into perspective and provide you with actionable and practical insights.

 We do this in two ways:

  1. By using experiential learning techniques, interactive exercises and assignments, team members will truly experience and "feel" the different dimensions instead of us just talking about them. 

  2. After discovering our own profile, we pay a lot of attention to the "So What?" and the implications on the team, with actionable tips and exercises

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In person or remotely, your choice!


Our trainer will join you wherever you are, at a location of your choice.

The workshop can take place in your own meeting room, at your seminar or at a venue we find together.

We are based in Belgium, but travel all over Europe to offer you these workshops.

Remote workshops are held using tools like Zoom and online whiteboarding to make the session as interactive as possible.

The workshop can be held in English or in Dutch.



+32 470 75 88 35

 We will get back to you quickly with answers to your questions or a customized offer. We always reply within 24h.

Thanks! Message sent.

+32 470 75 88 35

Virtual and in-person MBTI Workshops

© 2015 -2024

Read our terms and conditions here

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